Thermostat in Cars, Why Temperature Matters?
Temperature in cars really matters, temperature is a physical quantity use to measure how hot or cold something is. Temperature are scaled in Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (F). In this view, we will learn cooling system in cars, what a thermostat is, various issues related to temperature and how thermostat works?
During combustion, and when engine is operating at full throttle, the maximum temperature maybe as high as 1500-2000°C.
As engine keeps operating, temperature keeps rising and this can cause thermal expansion whereby components loose it shape.
This also can cause seizure of pistons since oil used for lubrication will be carbonized.
This brought the introduction of cooling system, its main function is to keep temperature within safe limits and also to remove heat.
Efficient systems were put in place to avoid over-cooling and under-cooling.
The two main system use to remove heat from the cylinder are air-cooling system and water-cooled system.
In air cooling system, heads and cylinder are finned to increase the dissipated areas.
Aluminum alloys are often use due it good conductor of heat. With air cooled, engines warms up quickly are there are no leakage to guard against.
Piston Rings and How They Work
In water cooling system, water is use to extract the heat surrounding the combustion chambers and valve ports.
This system is generally consider more suitable for multi-cylinder engines.
Besides, water is a better conductor of heat than air and the control of engine temperature is more precise.
“Thermostat in cars, why temperature matters?”
Temperature control of the cooling system
The main idea of cooling system is to keep the engine temperature within safe limits.
Automotive manufactures find out, this system will most of the time over-cool the engine, until method of reducing the effectiveness was adopt.
These are; by controlling air flow through radiator and by controlling the circulation of water by a temperature-sensitive valve.
Most modern cars are equip with this temperature-sensitive valve because of it effective design. This sensitive-valve also called thermostat.
In regards to monitoring temperature, the thermostat control the flow of coolant(water) through the radiator and the engine block.
As temperature rises, the thermostat begin to open entirely by a rod which is connected to the center of the valve, presses into the wax to melt.
It expands pushing the rod out of the cylinder to open the valve and allow coolant to flow.
The wax expands significantly by moving from a solid to liquid state. Process reverses when engine is restart.
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Issues related to thermostat
- Stuck Open
- Stuck closed
- Broken piece
- Bad or loose clamps
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Symptoms of bad thermostat
- Coolant leaks
- Temperature gauge rises
- Engine shut off unexpectedly due to false readings.
- Temperature changes
Further, though small, the thermostat is mighty.
Ensuring the thermostat is working properly is vital to make sure your engine maintains the proper temperature to function.
Get your vehicle inspected by a certified technician if it’s indicating any sign of thermostat symptoms listed above.
Refusing to take action could result in total damage and this leads to high cost of repairs.
Thermostat in Cars- Why Temperature Matters?, We have get to know and there will be no fear if we begin to have issues related to temperature and thermostat.
Further, suggestions and comments are welcome.
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